Teemischung "Sukha"

We are proud to present our newest creation: herbal blend Sukha.

Sukha - a Sanskrit word full of meaning and depth. As an adjective, it represents happiness, joy, and pleasant feelings. As a noun, it embodies pleasure, well-being, and the good things in life. It is precisely these properties that we would like to offer you with our Sukha herbal mixture.

Our masterfully composed herbal blend Sukha consists of carefully selected ingredients that are specially balanced to offer you a unique taste experience. Each cup is a journey into the world of well-being and joy.

The main ingredients of our sukha blend are lemon balm, nettle, lavender, passion flower, valerian, St. John's wort and rose petals. These selected herbs are grown and harvested with the utmost care to preserve their natural flavors and health-promoting properties.

Lemon balm calms the mind and promotes relaxation. Nettle is rich in nutrients and supports general well-being. Lavender adds a calming touch and helps reduce stress. Passionflower promotes restful sleep and relieves tension. Valerian has a calming effect and supports mental balance. St. John's wort increases mood and promotes a positive attitude towards life. Rose petals add a delicate, floral flavor to the blend and add a romantic touch.

Enjoy a cup of our Sukha herbal blend and be enchanted by its soothing taste and beneficial properties. Whether you are looking for a moment of relaxation, a sense of bliss or just a pleasurable indulgence, Sukha will not disappoint.

Pamper yourself or make others happy, because our herbal mixture Sukha is also an excellent gift for your loved ones. Discover the pleasure, the pleasant and the well-being in every cup of Iris Aura Tea - Sukha.

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A special tea blend

Our "Sukha" tea blend contains the following ingredients:

Lemon balm, nettle, lavender, passionflower, valerian, hypericum, rose petals

Properties of the tea and the ingredients

Our "Sukha" tea blend impresses with the following properties and ingredients:

  • Melissa: Calming, promotes relaxation and stress reduction.
  • Nettle: Rich in nutrients, supports general well-being.
  • Lavender: Calming, helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation.
  • Passion flower: Promotes restful sleep and relieves tension.
  • Valerian: Has a calming effect and supports mental balance.
  • Hypericum (St. John's wort): Boosts mood and promotes a positive attitude to life.
  • Rose petals: Add a delicate, floral flavour to the blend and provide a romantic touch.

These carefully selected ingredients have been specially combined to give you a unique taste experience while benefiting from their respective health-promoting properties.

brewing time/preparation

  1. Kochen Sie frisches Wasser auf und lassen Sie es kurz abkühlen, bis es nicht mehr kocht. Die optimale Temperatur für Kräutertee liegt in der Regel zwischen 90°C und 95°C.
  2. Geben Sie 1 Teelöffel der Kräutermischung pro Tasse in eine Teekanne oder einen Teefilter.
  3. Gießen Sie das vorbereitete Wasser über die Kräutermischung und lassen Sie sie für etwa 5 bis 7 Minuten ziehen. Dies ermöglicht den vollständigen Geschmack und die Aromaextraktion der Kräuter.
  4. Nach Ablauf der Brühzeit können Sie den Tee abseihen und genießen. Falls gewünscht, können Sie ihn mit einem natürlichen Süßungsmittel wie Honig oder Agavendicksaft verfeinern.

Please note that the brewing time may depend on personal preferences. If you prefer a stronger flavour, you can let the tea brew longer. Experiment with the brewing time to find the optimal taste for you.

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